So last time I mentioned I might do another list of webcomics, of ones I no longer read. I did some more thinking, and I think it could also be a good way to get some low-brain-effort posts for the weekends. It also doesn’t hurt that I just realized I have now run out of buffer (geez, you take a few days off…). So in what is likely going to be the first (or third, depending on how you’re counting) in a series of several posts, here is a list of webcomics I no longer read or never got around to starting. I’ve tried to give a quick summary blurb about the comic itself, as well as why it’s not in my active roster any more. Some are odd, others embarrassing, but here they are nonetheless.
- 2D Goggles – The steampunk adventures of real-life mad scientists Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage in an alternate timeline. Is often interspersed with cool Victorian machinery and references. I think I stopped reading because the update schedule tapered off about the time grad school picked up speed. I should really go back to this.
- 60 Ways to Leave Your Mother (Alone) – Not sure if I’ve actually read this one (you may hear that a lot). I think I bookmarked it because some article I read said it was good.
- Aencre – The website seems to have changed/moved on, but I probably started reading this one because it was in French. But it was in my bookmarks folder so up it goes.
- AmazingSuperPowers – A somewhat absurd 3-panel comic. The art’s pretty good, even if those three-fingered hands are kinda creepy. Likely back-burnered because there was no overarching story to grip my attention, and said attention was at a premium in grad school.
- Avengelyne – A reboot of a 90s supernatural superhero comic. I enjoyed the art style, but the story stopped gripping me. I also got annoyed by their use of Facebook for comments, where I couldn’t easily see the creators talking about their process and other factoids.
- Basic Instructions – Pretty much what it says on the tin: snarky instructions on how to deal with various situations throughout life. The art style reminds me a bit of the comics in the back of The Onion (from when that was still available in print). Likely another casualty of attention management. Another one I should add back to the rotation.
- Between Failures – I was intrigued by a banner ad I saw on another site. Read for a bit, but just couldn’t get it to stick. But it seems interesting, even if nothing make it stand out to me.
- Bob the Angry Flower – A very absurd comic about an angry flower. That’s about all I’ve got. Often ranty, NSFW language. Condemned to the slush pit because there was no overacing story to grip me (also, just got out of the habit of reading it).
- Brat-halla – A fun/unique setup: the Norse gods are all kids, and interact accordingly. Sounded interesting, just didn’t have the brain capacity to follow yet another story. Looks to be dead.
- Brown Sharpie – Stick figure comics in (guess what) brown sharpie. Bookmarked because some other comic and/or blog referenced it.
- Bunny – An odd little comic about an odd little bunny and his odd little friends. Beautiful art, but seems to have stopped updating.
- Busty Girl Comics – Okay, I will readily admit I am totally not the target audience for this one (A: I am not a girl; B: I do not have boobs). But it did provide some interesting insight into the problems (and occasional perks) about being endowed with aforementioned mammaries. Also great for promoting positive body image. Ended voluntarily after comic 300.
- Cat and Girl – A sometimes bleak (existentialist?) comic about a pessimistic girl and her glasses-and-sweater-wearing cat. I think I stopped reading this one because it took just a bit too much brain power to fully appreciate.
- Cectic – An atheist/skeptic webcomic. I do wish the art style was a little more polished. If I recall, updates slowed to a crawl; it now appears to have ended.
- Chopping Block – Much like Something*Positive, finding this one funny says a lot about your (and my) personality. Long story short: it’s about the single-panel adventures of a Jason Voorhees-style serial killer. I stopped reading when they stopped updating.
- Comedity – A well-drawn comic about a guy and the voices in his hed (who happen to be personified). The comic ended, but it was a pretty good run while it lasted.
- Commissioned – Sometimes about geeks, sometimes about RPGs, it has a pretty unique art style. Another victim of attention retention (heh) efforts.
- Corporate Skull – I meant to start reading this one, as the art style and tone remind me of Jhonen Vasquez (JTHM, Invader Zim, etc.). Just didn’t have the time to start a new story from the beginning.
- Count Your Sheep – I think this one is here because I was looking for a replacement for Ozy and Millie (discussed later). I read a few comics, but it never really took.
- Curvy – Another one bookmarked because the banner ad looked interesting. NSFW.
- Dead.Winter – An interesting-looking comic. I don’t know if I bookmarked it for any particular reason; probably because some blog (likely io9) said I should check it out.
- Dreamless – Beautiful graphic novel. I never did get into this one, but the cover page really intrigued me.
- Dueling Analogs – Yet another gaming webcomic. I stopped reading when the website format changed into that of a content aggregator rather than a straight-up webcomic and the comic itself became hard to find.
- E-merl – Not sure why this was here. It appears to now host several webcomics, and I can’t tell which one I tried to read.