Brain Empty, Library Full

I’m sure I had something profound to write today, but I’ve just spent most of the afternoon collating metadata for my ebook collection, so my brain is pretty fried. You know what that means, right? Time for another random, stream-of-consciousness post! Yay?

This isn’t the first time this has happened, of course, nor will it be the last. But I decided that, I needed a bit more information for my collection. Through various bundles and other sources, it has ballooned to just over 270 ebooks and digital graphic novels. And while I’d like to read a good portion of those (about 70 so far!), it can be hard to decide what to read next based on nothing but the title and cover image. Oh, and some subjective content tags I’ve already added.

So I decided to do some digging and look for summary blurbs. You know, the kind you’d find on the back cover or inside the dust jacket. And I did find a lot of them, even if it involved monotonous copy-pasting from Amazon and other websites. There’s more to do, of course, but I’m getting a headache and my brain is definitely starting to puddle around my ears.

I’m not sure why I do this. I’m not sure why from time to time I get the urge to do something as mindless as collate data or rearrange my document folder structure. These things tend to snowball, it seems. For instance: I opened up Calibre with the intent of adding some new ebooks from the recent Humble Bundle. I did my usual importing, along with preliminary tags and title/author cleanup. Then, I realized that hey, the Humble Bundle people put up a blurb about each book; why don’t I put that in my collection as well? But then I realized that not many of the other books in my collection had that data. No worries, I said to myself. I’ll just add it too! And the next thing I know it’s two hours later, I have a blog post to write, and I’ve used up all of my mental acumen.

So there you have it. Another exiting day of boring activities, but described in enough words that it makes me feel like I still got something accomplished.

1 thought on “Brain Empty, Library Full

  1. Pingback: So Much To Read | Kart before the H0rs3

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